Sunday, November 29, 2009

What are some good hairstyles for medium length brunette/blonde hair?

It reaches about an inch past my shoulders and it is brown with different shades of blonde highlights. I'm 13, if that helps any

What are some good hairstyles for medium length brunette/blonde hair?

shape of your face is?

best feature is?

worst feature is?

body type is?

clothing style is?

attitude/personality type?

how thick/thin it is?

texure is?

time wanting to spend doing it is?

now i can come up with a much better idea.

i'm getting a better idea. when you say body type 'big' what do you mean? all around 'round' ; small back,big butt ; wide shoulders smaller butt? what does your body look like? a '0' ; a 'o' ; a 'pear' ; a triangle with point at top ; a trianle with point on bottom ?

face shape:

heart; oval; round; diamond; square; triangle?

i've got a few in my head so far. i'm thinking side sweeping bangs at an angle to show off your eyes. with this type of bang/fringe you can wear them if you want to or not if you don't. (depending on how it is parted)

now i'm thinking about which way to texturize it so it works with you not against you, (so it's THAT much easier for you to 'do')but i need to know your face and body type.

i'm thinking of something off the face to help clear up the acne. would that be o.k.? or do you want your hair in your face? i'm also thinking you probably don't want anything flippy since you are tomboyish. am i correct in my thinking?

What are some good hairstyles for medium length brunette/blonde hair?

I like french braids.

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